There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Republicans Come Clean

Well, if you've been following the bail-out talks, the Republican Senators are no longer caring to hide their true intent. They want to use this bad economy to bust the union. Some of them still couch their language in terms of "making the companies competitive" but in the next sentence they talk about having the bankruptcy judge force changes in the contracts (that were just signed last year).

That's right, the party that cried to high heaven about allowing judges to change "private contracts" when it concerned your home mortgage on the grounds that "the judges shouldn't have the power to change contracts" are more than happy to have those judge change your work contract.

This is the very definition of hypocrisy. And for anybody wanting to cheer this morally bankrupt party on because "they want to stick it to the unions," I'll just remind you that this is the same party that had no compunction about giving money to the banks with no oversite. If you are not management or an owner of the business, the republican party is not concerned about you. In fact, with this argument, they're giving you the finger. If you work for a living, they want to put you as low on the ladder as they can.

Their unadulterated contempt and hatred for those people who actually make things is startling. I've posted before about how the majority of their arguments are baseless (Toyota paid their line workers more than the big three last year for example). That by forcing the companies to default on their pensions will throw those pensioners to a government run organization (that is underfunded now). Those same pensioners would also be forced onto the Medicare rolls. By breaking the union, they increase government size and control of people's lives (something that they say is an anathema, but only for the rich, gotta keep government hands off the rich peoples' money) and will result in increased payroll taxes (to pay for the increase in Medicare and to keep the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation solvent while paying reduced benefits). All things they say they're against.

This is exactly the same kind of management philosophy that led us to the precipice and spawned the formation of unions back in the late 1800s. But they don't care, as long as they keep you down.

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