There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Ants Come Marching Two by Two, Hurrah!

Well, Spring is sprung. I know this because the ants are trying to invade. Unlike the red, red robin be bop bopping along, which BTW, robins don't migrate, the coming of the ants are a better predictor. Little do the ants know I'm prepared for them this year. This morning I sprayed the little buggers back to their chitinous creator. Bwahahaha!

Usually it takes me a few days to get the spray and traps, and by then we're killing them a few at a time (killed two all of last night). This year I already have the spray and traps. Bought them a few weeks ago.

Since Spring is now here, it won't be long before the mud gets out of control. And then we'll have one final snow storm. The sweltering heat will arrive next and everybody will be moaning for cooler weather. Same as it ever was.

I am always amazed at the people who talk about springtime as this wonderous, magical moment when all is blossom and nectar, and then bitch about how "this Spring it's just mud." Here in NE Ohio, I don't think I remember a Spring that wasn't just mud. I remember a longer time that the temperatures climbed through the sixties and seventies and nights of slow, warm rain. Lately it seems we have a week of that, and then we're into the muggy upper 80s and above until Fall. I remember it taking at least a month when I was younger. Maybe that's another fault of growing older.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ANTS! You know, if you rearrange the letters and add an A, it spells:


Thanks for the reminder. Off to the hardware store for a flamethrower and dangerous chemicals.