There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Writerly Roundup

It's been a while, and this will take some time, but I'm slowly catching up with the bloggeroll. There's been lots of interesting stuff out there, and I'm probably the last one to know these things, but here we go anyway.

The wonderful Camille continues on her publishing roll. There's been so many posts with sales I just can't keep track of them all. She's on a tear through the publishing world. And she has also offered writerly days, Friday movie nights, and some other things. Unfortunately most of these are going on haitus as she works toward the grand event of a retreat in Vermont.

Fabutronic Mer Haskell is starting her agent hunt search and hitting a good stride right out of the box going from query, to partial, to full request in the space of a few days. Mer rocks, and I am so stoked that I get to read this novel before most of you will. (bwahahaha, oh, wait, I also have to critique it, in a month, along with five other novels as well as finishing up my own? Of curse you twisted fate! wanhahaha!)

Arguably evil monkey's better dressed alter ego Jeff VanderMeer, was recently turned into a stuffed marmot and the only way back to his human form is to gnaw the nut of empathy. Whoops, I mean he has to answer all of your writerly questions, yeah. So speaketh the wily witches of Penguin. So he does so here and here.

The ever spot-on and knowledgeable Justine Larbalestier makes a longer argument for "stop the whinging and just do it" to her writerly friends. This is something pro writers tell newbies all the time, and yet, in the heart of the dark night with the winds of economy raging around their sand castles, they too have doubts. Isn't that good to know as a beginning author? I think it is as I currently deal with germ of "all my writing is crap" feelings about the novel project. The end argument of the whole thing (which you should read) is "write what you love to write and do it because you love to write it." Yeah, what she said.

Fantastic fantasist Joshua Palmateir give his first person views on writing in the first person POV. Since the current novel project is First Person POV, I'll need to reread this one to distill it all. He also has some post on men writing as and about women, which I need to go back and read at some point.

There have been lots of other good posts lately (it's like you all are feeding into my procrastination need) and I've only highlighted some that made me laugh or think out loud (yeah, I do that sometimes). And I'm not even a third of the way through my bloggeroll, but I have to get back to writing. So maybe more later.

1 comment:

Merrie Fuller said...

Nah, you only have to read three other novels, not five. We only commit to 4 at the workshop! Unless you were trying to go for the gold or something. I won't stop you!