There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Monday, December 29, 2008

Waiting for the year to turn

Hope you all had a festive festivus. Was offline for most of it. Did I miss anything?

This year we had three Xmases, like previous years. Had one with Mom, one with Bette's family, and one for just us. Walked up and down the McKinnley Monument. Because it's Winter we couldn't visit the dead guy inside. Then we went to the local Museum and wandered around. Had dinner with the extended family, learned a nephew got engaged, caught up with the rest of them, and in general, had fun twisting their little minds. Yes, that's the Uncle's job; warping the youth of the next generation.

Took Mom to see "Marley & Me." If you don't want to cry, do not see this movie. Yeah, I know. I knew it was just a movie, the acting wasn't all that good, you know the SPCA isn't going to allow anything to happen to the real dogs, but still. At the end they play the music very loud so nobody can hear everybody else sniffling. It also didn't help with putting Isis to sleep just a few months ago. Along with sneaking in water and snacks, don't forget the tissues.

Helped Mom take down the outside decorations on a very warm late December day. Also did minor repairs around her house. Didn't get much sleep on the bed there and my shoulder is still sore. There were three good wireless network signals at Mom's place, but I couldn't hack into any of them. Me so sad. Who told these people about network security. Oh for the days of open sharing of broadband. "Back when I was young, we had open access..."

And I stayed the (explicative) away from the malls. The nieces wanted to go shopping (actually I think they just wanted to get away from the adults and go boy watching). Yeah, let them go.

Spent some time at the hospital. That is almost like a meme lately. Nothing big, but something that you shouldn't wait to see if it gets worse. So, a shot of Benadril and we're back home.

Got lots of good swag. Looking forward to reading and watching them all. Spent way to much money on gifts. But sometimes it's worth it.

There are some new inhabitants of the Coyote Mansion who arrived just today. We'll see how they work out for the moment before giving more details.


Camille Alexa said...

Merry Holidays to you and yours, Steve.

Steve Buchheit said...

And right back at ya Camille.