There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I think it was called "tough self love"

Mary Robinette Kowel helps distill down an editorial to its essence. And it's a good reminder to just STFU and do it.

Here's the full editorial by Beth Wodzinski (editor of Shimmer) over at Apex's Blog.

This is part of why I agreed to do things. Village Council, Ruritans, Cajun Sushi Hamsters, and other things. All because some times you have to just say, WTF. And yes, I say that putting on Ray Bans (you know, or you don't, don't make me explain it). Take the leap. Sometimes you splat, sometimes you figure out how to fly. After a time you get better at flying.

Given how low my word outputage (yeah, I made that up) of these past few days has been, with the current leap there's a high probability I may splat. Add in the day job shakiness and it may be a big, expensive splat. But you never get the brass ring riding safely.


Anonymous said...

Beth's cool.

Steve Buchheit said...

I met her briefly at World Fantasy in NY. She seemed very cool. And I drank her alcohol. So, you know, there's a bond. Or debt. Or something. :)