There's battle lines being drawn.
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
Young people speaking their minds
getting so much resistance from behind

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some Early Headlines from 2010

Well, Chizine nibbled on Scrimshaw Man. They wanted some edits which makes it easier to read, but harder to speak. Of course I said yes to the edits. Sent back my email saying I agreed. They said it might be published in 2010. So here we are sitting and waiting.

As I say at work, "I can be patient, I get paid by the hour." (well, not in this case, but $10 isn't something I'm going to get all freaked out about, you know)

I still don't have a hard commitment or contract, so it may go sour. But there's the good news I've been sitting on for a while now. Thanks to everybody that responded to my query about what to do in these circumstances.

Somehow saying, "I'll be published in 2010," feels an awful lot like, "I'm big in Japan." Yeah, I know, publishing schedules. What can you do. And, hey, they want it. I can wait.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone ever get a book published without a long-ass lag time of several months to a year or more?

Steve Buchheit said...

billectric, the only ones I've ever heard of are the "instant books" (on some topic of interest, like the OJ books, or the campaign books) or self published authors.

Anonymous said...

Dude! But that's FANTASTIC! Chizine's a fabulous market! Way to go!!!!

Steve Buchheit said...

Thanks, Camille. Inside I am pretty psyched that Chizine mostly likely will publish it. They're a pretty neat 'zine that I've seen mentioned everywhere (including many "best of" lists).

Anonymous said...

Who's fabutronic now? YOU are!!!

I haven't been lurking for a few days, and I love it when I stop by for a visit and find good news!

Don't worry, it will be 2010 before you know it! When you're our age, time just flies....

Steve Buchheit said...

Thanks, Sheila. No, not 2010 already. I need March to stretch out as long as possible. I need more time.

(And yes, I know it could skip to the end of next week for you and you might be happy). But I want it to go a little slower so I can get more than a few hundred words out.